Now tell me, doesn’t this sound familiar?
“We wanted to make the ultimate San Francisco beer, but we also wanted to challenge people’s perceptions about what beer is. To take a beer the originated in the 1850’s, and put a modern-day…spin on it.”
Sounds a bit like an ad for the newest, coolest craft beer, right?
This is actually an excerpt from the Esquire Network’s new show, ‘Brew Dogs‘ — a show about two Scottish brewers, James Watt and Martin Dickie, who travel across America brewing beers of local flavor, and exposing “craft beer virgins” to the many flavors and enjoyable qualities of craft beer. In this excerpt, Watts and Dickie were describing a California steam beer, which they openly fermented on the rooftop of the Anchor brewery, on a quest to make the ultimate San Francisco beer.

James Watt and Martin Dickie of ‘Brew Dogs’ (Esquire Network / “Brew Dogs”)
As I watched the second episode of the series, which focused on San Francisco and the city’s historic Anchor Brewing Company, I noticed something about craft beer that I knew, but never really thought about: it’s about the story. Continue reading →